Zoe | Actors Headshot | Phoenix Professional Headshot by Anjeanette Photography

Getting an acting gig starts by getting in the door of a casting director’s office. Regardless of how great your acting skills are if you don’t have a headshot to use as your calling card, no one might ever know you exist. Make sure to give your headshot the attention it deserves.
— PHIL BREMAN, for The Balance Careers
Headshot Arizona professional business Peoria Az Anthem Az portrait photographer Anjeanette Photography Phoenix corporate portraits acting lawyer dentist headshots scottsdale professional

Approachable, energetic, and charismatic smile- a winning combination to make your best first impression. And everything your looking for in an acting or modeling headshot!

Zoe has all of these characteristics and more, her “Anne Hathaway” smile is cool and vibrant, only surpassed by a fantastic laugh and bubbly personality. She is sure to take her dreams to reality with her determination, and I look forward to seeing her light up the world someday!

Zoe and her family approached me for a great headshot as suggested by their agency- and I always say great kids = great portraits. A headshot from Anjeanette Photography gives people an idea of your personality before they meet you, especially important when social media marketing and brand presence influences a casting director or agency’s decision to hire! These portraits are used to quickly decide whom to hire for work in a production or campaign. Talent agents use these photos as a way to quickly decide if they want to work with an actor as a client. Therefore, models & actors of every level require an excellent professional photo to be taken seriously. A pro headshot is a simple first audition!

Headshot Arizona professional business Peoria Az Anthem Az portrait photographer Anjeanette Photography Phoenix corporate portraits acting lawyer dentist headshots scottsdale professional
Your headshot should show casting directors both the intangibles and tangibles of you as an actor: how you look on camera, your essence, your energy, and personality.
— PIYALI SYAM, for Backstage.com


You should stand out- not your outfit. Keep outfits and clothing simple with neutral tones like classic greys and blacks, or high contrast colours that flatter your complexion. Avoid busy distracting patterns. Freshly pressed, properly fitted, clean clothes of course!

Makeup should be neutral and minimal so that agencies and directors can see YOU.

Remember its a simple photo. Expert lighting of your facial structure is important- your personal fashion style is not (save that for a different meeting!)

When deciding whether or not to smile or not I advise thinking about what roles or campaigns you intend to pursue. Do some research and be ready “in character”. I take a variety of big smiles to neutral and intense looks- but I have to say people are absolutely drawn to a big warm smile! When you book with me your sessions include three edited images so you may choose a variety. However, you can also go ahead and additionally purchase all the images on your finished portrait gallery so that you have lots of different looks on hand!

Headshot Arizona professional business Peoria Az Anthem Az portrait photographer Anjeanette Photography Phoenix corporate portraits acting lawyer dentist headshots scottsdale professional