I use Pixieset for hosting your image gallery as it makes viewing your photos easy and enjoyable on your desktop computer, laptop, and mobile phone. CD’s quality degrades fast, and stick drives get lost easily, and frankly all of these methods of file delivery add costs to your session package or change so quickly your computer may not be able to recognize them after a system update. The session your purchased and images we made together deserve better.

You can download your full gallery and save to multiple places, or download single images straight to your phone to share on social media. I also recommend ordering prints from you Pixieset gallery. 

When purchasing prints from Pixieset, you get the best quality prints that will last forever and be true in color. I do not recommend printing from drug stores or shopping centers such as Walmart or Costco as the prints will be reduced in quality and may not have the same color profile. I have tested it- I am sure. In full transparency I do get a VERY small percentage of prints sold- but I believe in the pro printers and their work preserving your and my memories so my cut is less than pennies on the dollar so the prints would be easy and affordable for more folks! And after investing into a great session why get cheap prints that will degrade and look bad with off color skin tones?

The steps to downloading your gallery and purchasing prints are intuitive and should be easy to follow, this reference is here it is just in case!

You will receive an email with the link and password once your images are ready for viewing or downloads.

  • Take note of the 4-digit download pin at the bottom of your email. You will need this to download your gallery.

  • Once you click the ‘View Photos’ button you will be directed to a landing page where you will enter your email for safety and tracking (don’t worry- I won’t save your email or add you to a newsletter or send you any spam!)