Paulo | Acting Headshots Phoenix | Anjeanette Photography Professional Portraits Arizona

Your headshot is for everything, it is your calling card. It will, and should, be the cornerstone of your marketing materials: your face will literally be the face of your website, casting profiles, postcards, résumé. Your business cards and postcards should always have your headshot printed on them.
— PIYALI SYAM, Backstage
Headshot Arizona professional business Peoria Az Anthem Glendale Az portrait photographer Anjeanette Photography Phoenix corporate portraits acting headshots scottsdale professional

When I met up with Paulo a few months ago we had a chance to get some great acting headshots for his portfolio that expressed his style, charm, and genuine smile. Paulo’s headshot puts a face to his brand, recognizable across all media!

Headshot Arizona professional business Peoria Az Anthem Glendale Az portrait photographer Anjeanette Photography Phoenix corporate portraits acting headshots scottsdale professional
Having a great headshot is CRUCIAL
— Tara McGrath, Cast It Talent blog
Anjeanette.Photography high school pictures by Peoria Az Senior photographer_2326.jpg

While the term headshot is common in the acting, real estate, book author fields for promotion- not everyone in business use a corporate portrait as a reflection of professional character although they should! It's not just for marketing- it is a deliberate choice, of the career-oriented and myself, to create a portrait designed to put more effort and significance into how your work is perceived. 

Not a cropped phone snapshot from a friends wedding, or a selfie that while nicely lit and hitting all your angles are too casual. Those do not covey the perception that you're qualified. 

Say your scrolling through a Linked In “people to discover” list, who would you hire? Not based on attractiveness- but who looks trustworthy and professionally competent? Who looks like they put significant effort into their portrait- what would be an employee or company you would trust- the selfie or the professional headshot? Its the digital age and people WILL see your photo- you can control how others regard and appreciate you.

And because I have been crafting and improving my modern headshot since 2008, I already put the “significant effort” into Modern Business Portrait Headshots so you don’t have to! Including outfit and styling suggestions, even posing and expression coaching, in a positive way to help attain career goals.

Schedule with Anjeanette Photography, Phoenix and I’ll help you present your reliable reputation. You want YOUR portrait to be a visual representation of your businesses excellent reputation. I can help.